Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Lesson 6-1-3  


LESSON: 6-1-3 Download Lesson Plan 6-1-3 in English (pdf)
Target: Teach & Practice Conversation Skills; ABCs
Materials: CD & Player; Text; Feelings Flashcards; ABC GTP prints

Greeting- 2 minutes
Teacher to Students- Listen & Repeat
Hello, Hi, Hey, Howdy, G’day, Good Morning, Hola, Aloha, Bon Jour, Bon Dia,
Bon Journo, Ni Hao, Konnichiwa, Anyohaseyo, Sambaino, Kiola, Selamat Pagi (am)
(pm-Siang), Shalom, Jambo, Asalamalekum, Zzdrastvet-yah, Namaste.

Greeting II- 3 minutes
Flashcards- feelings flashcards- Good/ Fine/ OK / Hungry / Sleepy.
ALT & HRT- (Do conversation from blackboard. Play Janken first)
Blackboard- W: How are you?
L:I’m good/fine/OK/hungry/sleepy. How are you?
W: I’m good/fine/OK/hungry/sleepy.

Janken Fours- Warm-up / Review / Conversation Skills Practice- 5 minutes
Blackboard: W) How are you?
L)L:I’m good/fine/OK/hungry/sleepy. How are you?
W: I’m good/fine/OK/hungry/sleepy.
ALT: Practice/Demo with a few volunteers before students begin.
Students: Janken 4’s- each Student with 3 other students

SING- ABC song- 3 minutes
CD- track 3. English style- ‘l-m-n o-p-r’ / ‘Happy, happy, I’m happy. I can sing my ABCs.’
Too Fast!? Sing along with ALT, slowly.

Let’s Play 1- 5 minutes
Text- pg. 8
ALT- ‘You can see 8 cards. Match the cards together to make a letter of the alphabet. What letter do they make?’ (K- E- H- R)
Students- match the 8 cards to make 4 letters.
Blackboard- Draw 2 columns of 4 points.
HRT- connect the points on the blackboard with lines to check students’ work.

Let’s Play 2- 10 minutes
Text- p. 8
ALT- This is Helen Keller. H,E,L,E,N.
This is Noguchi Hideyo. H,I,D,E,Y,O.
This is Thomas Edison. E,D,I,S,O,N.
Students- Listen & write the letters in the text.
HRT- Check work in students’ books.

Get The Picture- ABCs- 15 minutes
Materials- Print copied 3 times and cut into individual pictures. Each student gets 1 picture- 3 students with same picture make one group.
Blackboard- W) ‘C-A-T.’
L) ‘D-O-G’ = no group.
W) ‘C-A-T.’
ALT & HRT- Demonstrate and explain activity. Help students who can’t read
their papers.
Students- Play Janken in pairs. Try to find another student with the same paper. Continue until making a group of 3. Groups write name ‘CAT’ on blackboard.

Wrap-Up- 3 minutes
(Present common mistakes to the whole class. Write the mistaken point on the blackboard, and ask if anybody can see the mistake.) Or-
HRT to Students, in Japanese:
-What did we talk about today?
-Were there some words you already knew?
-Did you learn any new words?
-What was fun or interesting?
-What was difficult?
-How can we make that easier next time?

Closing- 1 minute
Students: ‘Thank you! Good bye!’
Teachers: ‘You’re welcome! Good bye!’

Lesson 6-2-2  

LESSON 6-2-2 Download lesson in English (pdf)
Lesson: 2 (2 of 3)
Target: Numbers 1-100; Small & Large ABCs
Materials: CD & player; Text

Greeting-2 min

Teacher to Students- Listen & Repeat
Hello, Hi, Hey, Howdy, G’day, Good Morning, Hola, Aloha, Bon Jour, Bon Dia,
Bon Journo, Ni Hao, Konnichiwa, Anyohaseyo, Sambaino, Kiola, Selamat Pagi (am)
(pm-Siang), Shalom, Jambo, Asalamalekum, Zzdrastvet-yah, Namaste.

Numbers Practice-5 min
ALT: Say numbers in 3’s (1-2-3) to 100.
Students: Listen & Repeat

Numbers Activity-10 min
Students: Count off your Student number in order, 1-by-1. All Ss repeat. If
Ss can, keep going in order to 100.
HRT & ALT: *If Ss are doing poorly, write on the bboard: (total no. of Ss)
34 + 1 (2,3,4...). Say ‘34 plus 1 is...35’ and have S#1 (2,3,4...) stand up again.
In round 3, 68+1 is ...

Janken Fours- Warm-up / Review / Conversation Skills Practice- 5 minutes
Students: Janken 4’s- each Student w/ 3人
Blackboard: W) (Say Student Number) ‘27’
L) (Listen & Repeat) ‘27’, (Say Student Number) ‘13’.
W) (Listen & Repeat) ‘13’.

Let’s Listen-15 min
Students: Listen to the CD and color the numbered blocks in your text.
CD: No. 1- track #10 (Each track repeats itself once.)-
31, 24, 33, 78, 60, 28, 49, 40 and 95. What number do you see?
That’s right, it’s the number 54.
No. 2- track #11. 81, 86, 97, 43, 92, 32, 25, 73, 16, 54, 67, 39 and 95.
What number do you see? It’s the number 192. This is a special
number in the world. Can you guess why? .. It’s the number of
countries in the world.
How about the number 54? It’s a special number, too. Can you guess
why?.... This is the number of countries where people use English.

Blackboard: 6,500- number of spoken languages in the world (2000 have less than 100 speakers). Chinese-1,075,000,000; English-514 Million; Hindustani (India)-496 M; Spanish (Spain, Mexico, S. America)-425 M; Russian-275 M.; #9 Japanese-125 M.
ALT & HRT: Discuss the numbers of languages and number of speakers of each-
Which is the largest? Where are the languages spoken? (See this link for a good discussion of numbers of speakers.)

Introduce Small Letters- 10 min
Blackboard: A B C D E F G.... (large letters on top)
a b c d e f g.... (small letters under same big letter)
HRT: Which letters have the same shape?
Students: Volunteers come forward and circle letters of similar shape
(Cc, Jj, Kk, Oo, Pp, Ss, Uu, Vv, Ww, Xx, Yy, Zz).
HRT: Next, let’s find some letters in the classroom... on your pencil case, on
your shirts, etc.. Are there any letters you see in the classroom?
Students: Come to the blackboard- show the letter you found and point to
the same letter on the blackboard.

Wrap-Up-3 min
(Present common mistakes to the whole class. Write the mistaken point on the
blackboard, and ask if anybody can see the mistake.) Or-
HRT to Students, in Japanese:
-What did we talk about today?
-Were there some words you already knew?
-Did you learn any new words?
-What was fun or interesting?
-What was difficult?
-How can we make that easier next time?

Closing-1 min
Students: ‘Thank you! Good bye!’
Teachers: ‘You’re welcome! Good bye!’

Lesson 5-6-3  

LESSON 5-6-3 Download the lesson plan in English (pdf)
Lesson: 3 (3 of 3)
Target: What do you want?
Materials: CD & player; Text; Scissors; Fruit flashcards to match fruit in text

Greeting- 2 minutes
Teacher to Students- Listen & Repeat (some or all)
Hello, Hi, Hey, Howdy, G’day, Good Morning, Hola, Aloha, Bon Jour, Bon Dia,
Bon Journo, Ni Hao, Konnichiwa, Anyohaseyo, Sambaino, Kiola, Selamat Pagi (am)
(pm-Siang), Shalom, Jambo, Asalamalekum, Zzdrastvet-yah, Namaste.

Janken 4’s- Warm-Up/Review/Conversation Skills Practice- 3 minutes
Students: Each student Janken and converse with 3 others in groups of 4.
ALT: Do converation with a few students before all begin.
Blackboard: W) What fruit do you like?
L) I like OO. What fruit do you like?
W) I like OO.

Vocabulary Preview- fruit names- 3 minutes
Text: page 69. (apple, banana, grape, kiwi, melon, pineapple, cherry, strawberry, peach, lemon.)
ALT: Say fruit names aloud.
Students: Listen & repeat AND point to pictures in the text.

Vocabulary Practice- 4 minutes
Materials: Flashcards of fruit on pages 69/71.
ALT: Showing flashcards 1-by-1, ask students who like that fruit to raise hands. Next lead students to repeat: ‘I like bananas.’
Students: Raise hands to respond to ALT, repeat ‘I like bananas.’

Activity Preparation- cut out fruit cards- 5 minutes
Text: pages 69 AND 71.
Materials: scissors.
Students: Cut 2 pages of fruit pictures to make fruit cards.

Chant- 5 minutes
Materials: fruit flashcards on blackboard.
What-What-What-do you want?
Strawberries-Strawberries-Strawberries, please.
Here you are.
Thank you!
You’re welcome! (in a low voice)
ALT: Lead chant
HRT: Show a fruit flashcard in response.
Students: Listen & repeat first after HRT & ALT.

Maru-Batsu Game- 5 minutes
Materials: 2 fruit flashcards at-a-time. 2 dice. Points Maps (students).
Blackboard: Post flashcards 2-at-a-time, one under an ‘O’, one under an ‘X’.
ALT/HRT: 1-Choose a student with the dice. 2-Lead students to repeat ‘What do you want?’. 3-All students vote by raising hands (‘O’) or not (‘X’) for one of the flashcards on the blackboardto indicate what they THINK the chosen answer student will answer. 4-All students listen and repeat again. 5- Answering student answers. 6- Correct students color in 2 points on Points Map.
Students: Listen-Repeat-Choose O or X-Listen-Repeat-Score points.

Listen & Repeat- 5 minutes
L) Hello.
W) Hello.
L) What do you want?
W) Strawberries, please.
L) Here you are.
W) Thank you.
L) You’re welcome.
ALT/HRT: Before Listen & Repeat, ask students if they can guess the meaning of each line. Say one line at a time for students to repeat. Change fruit each round.
Students: One line standing at a time. First student to raise hand and also repeat correctly can sit down. Last student standing in row makes point for new row to stand up.

Activity- Make a Parfait- 10 minutes
Text: page 41.
Materials: Cut out fruit cards.
Activity: (Conversation on blackboard from last activity.) Play Janken with a partner. Winner can get one fruit to make their own parfait. After a student gets 3 or 4 different fruit, return to desk and glue into textbook.
ALT/HRT: Demonstrate activity, ask if anyone can explain in Japanese.
Students: Use dialog to get fruit cards from other students to use to make your original parfait.

Wrap-Up- 2 minutes
(Present common mistakes to the whole class. Write the mistaken point on the
blackboard, and ask if anybody can see the mistake.) Or-
HRT to Students, in Japanese:
-What did we talk about today?
-Were there some words you already knew?
-Did you learn any new words?
-What was fun or interesting?
-What was difficult?
-How can we make that easier next time?

Closing- 1 minute
Students: ‘Thank you! Good bye!’
Teachers: ‘You’re welcome! Good bye!’

Lesson 5-6-2  

LESSON 5-6-2 Download the lesson plan in English (pdf)
Lesson: 6 (2 of 3)
Target: What do you want?
Materials: CD & player; Text; Flashcards from pages 36-37

Greeting- 2 minutes
Teacher to Students- Listen & Repeat
Hello, Hi, Hey, Howdy, G’day, Good Morning, Hola, Aloha, Bon Jour, Bon Dia,
Bon Journo, Ni Hao, Konnichiwa, Anyohaseyo, Sambaino, Kiola, Selamat Pagi (am)
(pm-Siang), Shalom, Jambo, Asalamalekum, Zzdrastvet-yah, Namaste.

Let’s Chant- 3 minutes
CD- track 41.
Blackboard- What do you want (X3).
Lemon, lemon. A yellow lemon, please.
Cabbage, cabbage. A green cabbage, please.

Ohajiki Game- 10 minutes
Text- pages 36-37
Flashcards- 18 flashcards for pages 36-37.
HRT & ALT- show the class how to play the Ohajiki Game.
HRT: Open your textbooks to pages 36-37. Take five ohajiki. Put your
ohajiki on your textbook.
ALT: OK. (taking five ohajiki) Look! I’ll choose five pictures in my textbook;
Banana, milk, guitar, cake, and piano and then I’ll put my ohajiki on the
pictures of banana, milk, guitar, cake, and piano. That’s it. I’m ready,
OOsensei. Please, start the game.
HRT: Now, I’ll say a word. Listen carefully.
ALT: OK. What do you want?
HRT: I want.....Cake!
ALT: Cake! Here! One of my ohajiki is on the cake. Well, I can take off
this ohajiki. Lucky!
HRT: (facing to class) Do you understand how to play the Ohajiki Game?
Any questions? OK. When you have finished taking all of your ohajiki, say
“Finished!” and you are the winner.
HRT & ALT- Ask each other in turns, ‘What do you want?’ and answer
‘I want OO.’
Students- Put covers over 5 pictures. Take them off as they are called out.

Janken Fours- Warm-up / Review / Conversation Skills Practice- 5 minutes
Students: Janken 4’s- each Student with 3 other students
Blackboard: W) What do you want?
L) I want OO. What do you want?
W) I want XX.

Let’s Listen- 7 minutes
Text- page 38
CD- track 42
Japan- Sushi & Sukiyaki
Korea- Kimchi & Bibimba
Italy- Pizza & Spaghetti
France- Cream Puff & Gratin
Students- Listen to the CD and draw lines from the people/flags to the foods.
ALT & HRT- HRT & ALT show the class how to do this activity.
ALT: Do you see four students on page 38? Do you know the boy in No.1?
Where is he from? The flag is a big hint. That’s right. He’s from Japan.
How about the boy in No.2? Yes. He’s from Korea. How about the girl in No.3?
Look at the flag. Green, white, and red. Yes. She’s from Italy.
Well, how about the girl in No.4? This flag is a little different from flag No. 3.
She’s from France.
HRT: Listen to the CD carefully. When you have finished listening, try to join
the left picture and the right picture with a line.Introduce activity.
HRT & ALT- Check students’ answers afterward.

Lets’s Listen 2- 10 minutes
Text- page 39.
CD- track 43. Repeats one time. Check answers the second time.
Ken- Soup, steak & pudding. Mai- Pizza, salad & juice.
Students- Listen to CD. Put a CIRCLE around the foods Ken orders, and a
SQUARE around the foods that Mai orders.

Let’s Chant- 5 minutes
CD- track 41.
Blackboard- What do you want (X3).
Lemon, lemon. A yellow lemon, please.
Cabbage, cabbage. A green cabbage, please.

Wrap-Up- 3 minutes
(Present common mistakes to the whole class. Write the mistaken point on the
blackboard, and ask if anybody can see the mistake.) Or-
HRT to Students, in Japanese:
-What did we talk about today?
-Were there some words you already knew?
-Did you learn any new words?
-What was fun or interesting?
-What was difficult?
-How can we make that easier next time?

Closing- 1 minutes
Students: ‘Thank you! Good bye!’
Teachers: ‘You’re welcome! Good bye!’

Lesson 5-3-4  

LESSON 5-3-4
Lesson: 4 (4 of 4) Download Lesson Plan in English (pdf)
Target: How Many?, numbers 1-20, Janken from Indonesia
Materials: CD & player; Text; Dice; Clue Bingo print

Greeting- 2 minutes
Teacher to Students- Listen & Repeat (some or all)
Hello, Hi, Hey, Howdy, G’day, Good Morning, Hola, Aloha, Bon Jour, Bon Dia, Bon Journo, Ni Hao, Konnichiwa, Anyohaseyo, Sambaino, Kiola, Selamat Pagi (am) (pm-Siang), Shalom, Jambo, Asalamalekum, Zzdrastvet-yah, Namaste.

Janken 4’s- Warm-Up/Review/Conversation Skills Practice- 3 minutes
ALT/HRT: Janken and do the conversation first together, then with a few students to practice/demonstrate.
Students: Each student Janken and Converse with 3 others in groups of 4.
Blackboard: W) 1,3,5,7...19.
L) 2,4,6,8...20.

Janken from Indonesia-Muck Chee Baa- 5 minutes
ALT & HRT: Play Janken together Indonesian style- ‘Muck Chee Baa’. ->
Thumb up (elephant), Index finger straight up (human) or Little finger up (ant).
*Elephant beats human, human beats ant, ant beats elephant.
ALT: Explain game rules to students.
Students: Listen, then try the Indonesian style in pairs.

Activity- Indonesian Janken, All Students vs. ALT- 5 minutes
ALT: Lead all students to play Janken, Indonesian style
Students: Play Janken with ALT. Losers must sit down. Students get 1 point for each round they remain standing.

Demonstration- Counting on fingers 1-10- 3 minutes
ALT to HRT: How many fingers to you have?
HRT: Count 1-10 showing students your finger counting style.
HRT to ALT: How many fingers do you have?
ALT: Count 1-10 showing students your finger counting style.
HRT & ALT: Discuss with students that finger-counting styles are different.

Activity- Moving Pair Janken & counting together 1-20- 7 minutes
Blackboard: W) 1 (3, 5, 7, 9,...19)
L) 2 (4, 6, 8,...20)
ALT & HRT: Demonstrate activity- Play Janken, Winner starts at ‘1’, Loser at ‘2’ and continue taking turns counting to 20.
Students: All standing, pairs Janken, Winner starts at ‘1’. Janken winners get 2 points for each Janken win (for Australia Points Map).

Activity- Clue Bingo- 10 minutes
Materials: Clue Bingo print; dice
Blackboard: 1 2 3 4 5 ..... 25
Students: Write numbers 1-25 randomly on print. When called on, tell any number; all students cross off the numbers to make Bingo!
ALT/HRT: Roll dice to choose students. Cross the numbers off the numbers written on the blackboard. Congratulate Bingo! winners (with points).

World Gestures Demonstration/Discussion- 5-10 minutes
Textbook: Inside back cover with pictures of gestures.
Students: Watch and try to understand meaning of the different gestures.
HRT to ALT: ‘こちおいで’ with gesture, and ALT move to HRT. ‘いい子ですね!’ & stroke head of ALT.
ALT to HRT: ‘Come here, please.’ with gesture, and HRT move to ALT. Pat HRT on the back, ‘Good job!’
ALT: Look at textbook and talk about gestures with students (also--
I’m hungry-rubbing stomach;
I’m full- patting stomach;
Me?! pointing to chest;
Polishing an apple- In US, open hand (top) rubbing closed fist- in Japan,
closed fist (top) rubbing open hand (bottom);
Counting to 10- Japan style (fingers over opposite palm for 6-9/10--
American style both hands open 1-5 & 6-10).
Crazy! in different countries
Also using only the right hand for human interaction in Islamic countries and India- because they don’t use toilet paper!
HRT: Ask Ss if they know any other common gestures.

Wrap-Up- 3 minutes
(Present common mistakes to the whole class. Write the mistaken point on the blackboard, and ask if anybody can see the mistake.) Or-
HRT to Students, in Japanese:
-What did we talk about today?
-Were there some words you already knew?
-Did you learn any new words?
-What was fun or interesting?
-What was difficult?
-How can we make that easier next time?

Closing- 1 minute
Students: ‘Thank you! Good bye!’
Teachers: ‘You’re welcome! Good bye!’

Lesson 5-3-1/2/3  

LESSON 5-3-1/2/3
Lesson: 1 (1 of 1) Download Lesson Plan in English (pdf)
Target: How Many?, numbers 1-20, Janken from Indonesia
Materials: CD & player; Text; Pair Karuta print

Greeting- 2 minutes
Teacher to Students- Listen & Repeat
Hello, Hi, Hey, Howdy, G’day, Good Morning, Hola, Aloha, Bon Jour, Bon Dia, Bon Journo, Ni Hao, Konnichiwa, Anyohaseyo, Sambaino, Kiola, Selamat Pagi (am) (pm-Siang), Shalom, Jambo, Asalamalekum, Zzdrastvet-yah, Namaste.

JANKEN 4’S- Warm-Up / Review / Conversation Skills Practice- 3 minutes
Students: Janken 4’s- each Student with 3 other students.
ALT/HRT: Ask students for some ways to answer “I’m OO.” Write their answers on the blackboard.
Blackboard: W) How are you?
L) I’m OO. How are you?
W) I’m OO.

Introduction- Janken from Indonesia-Muck Chee Baa- 5 minutes
ALT & HRT: Play Janken together Indonesian style- ‘Muck Chee Baa’. -> Thumb up (elephant), Index finger straight up (human) or Little finger up (ant). *Elephant beats human, human beats ant, ant beats elephant.
ALT: Explain game rules to students.
Students: Listen, then try the Indonesian style in pairs.

Activity- Indonesian Janken, All Students vs. ALT- 5 minutes
ALT: Lead all students to play Janken, Indonesian style
Students: Play Janken with ALT. Losers must sit down. Last one standing wins.

Demonstration- Counting on fingers 1-10- 3 minutes
ALT to HRT: How many fingers to you have?
HRT: Count 1-10 showing students your finger counting style.
HRT to ALT: How many fingers do you have?
ALT: Count 1-10 showing students your finger counting style.
HRT & ALT: Discuss with students that finger-counting styles are different.

Let’s Listen- counting 1-10 in different languages- 7 minutes
HRT: Do students know how to count 1-10 in any foreign languages?
Text: page 17
CD: tracks 16-17 (1.Japanese 2.English 3.Korean 4.Chinese 5.Spanish. 6.French)
Students: Listen to the CD, write numbers 1-6 in the boxes on the page.

Pair Karuta- 12 minutes
Materials: 1 print for each pair of students.
Blackboard: Write numbers 1-20 in one line or two.
ALT: Read and Repeat numbers 1-20 with students before starting.
Students: Listen & Repeat numbers with ALT. Write numbers 1-20 on the print
in random places.
ALT&HRT: Take turns asking and answering, “How many OO do you have?”,
using the pictures on the border of the Karuta print for the OO in the question. Then answer, “I have XX OO.” (‘I have 12 cats.’)
Students: When the teachers talk, try to touch both the number and the picture. Each student use a different colored pencil; circle the number and/or picture that you touch first.

Activity- roaming pair Janken & counting together 1-20- 5 minutes
Blackboard: W) 1 (3, 5, 7, 9,...19)
L) 2 (4, 6, 8,...20)
ALT&HRT: Demonstrate activity- Play Janken, Winner starts at ‘1’, Loser at‘2’ and continue taking turns counting to 20.
Students: All standing, pairs Janken, Winner starts at ‘1’. Janken winners get 2 points for each Janken win (for Australia Points Map).

Wrap-Up -3 minutes
(Present common mistakes to the whole class. Write the mistaken point on the blackboard, and ask if anybody can see the mistake.) Or-
HRT to Students, in Japanese:
-What did we talk about today?
-Were there some words you already knew?
-Did you learn any new words?
-What was fun or interesting?
-What was difficult?
-How can we make that easier next time?

Closing -1 minute
Students: ‘Thank you! Good bye!’
Teachers: ‘You’re welcome! Good bye!’

Lesson 5-3-2  

LESSON 5-3-2
Lesson: 1 (1 of 3) Download Lesson Plan in English (pdf)
Target: How Many?, numbers 1-20
Materials: CD & player; Text; Clue Bingo Print

Greeting- 2 minutes
Teacher to Students- Listen & Repeat (some or all)
Hello, Hi, Hey, Howdy, G’day, Good Morning, Hola, Aloha, Bon Jour, Bon Dia,
Bon Journo, Ni Hao, Konnichiwa, Anyohaseyo, Sambaino, Kiola, Selamat Pagi (am)
(pm-Siang), Shalom, Jambo, Asalamalekum, Zzdrastvet-yah, Namaste.

Janken 4’s- Conversation Skills Practice-Repeating as a Checking Skill
- 3 minutes
ALT/HRT: Janken and do the conversation first together, then with a few
students to practice/demonstrate.
Students: Each student Janken and Converse with 3 others in groups of 4
Blackboard: W)How are you?
L)I'm fine. (write other options from students' suggestions)
W) Fine?!
L) Yes, fine. / No, FINE!

Activity- Indonesian Janken, All Students vs. ALT
- 5 minutes
ALT: Lead all students to play Janken, Indonesian style (Muck-Chee-Baa!) Ask
HRT every round: “How many points now?”
Students: Play Janken with ALT. Losers must sit down. Students get 1 point
for each round they remain standing.
HRT: Count each round with marks on blackboard (American Style)

Counting- from 1 to a 999 Trillion
- 5 minutes
Blackboard: 1,2,3.... 20. 30, 40, 50,...100. 1,000.
ALT: Lead students in counting, or Listen & Repeat the written numbers to 1,000.
Then, one at a time, write 22 33 44 55 66 on the blackboard and
after each number ask students if they can say the number in English.
Then write another 2 (222), 3 (333), etc., and lead students in saying the
numbers. Last, write commas between the numbers: 222,333,444,555,666.
Tell the students that each COMMA has a name- thousand, million,
billion & trillion- and if they can count to 999, with only 4 more words
they can say numbers in English up to 999 trillion!
Students: Count along with ALT, Listen & Repeat, say the numbers.

Let’s Listen- Connect the Dots
- 5 minutes
Text: page 18
CD: Tracks 20-21
ALT: (if CD is too fast) ‘Draw a line from 7 to 13. Next, to 8, 11, 19, 12, 17,
15, 9, 10, 14, 20, 16, 7. What is it? It’s a cat!

Activity- roaming pair Janken & counting together 1-20
- 5 minutes
Blackboard: W) 1 (3, 5, 7, 9,...19)
L) 2 (4, 6, 8,...20)
ALT&HRT: Demonstrate activity- Play Janken, Winner starts at ‘1’, Loser at
‘2’ and continue taking turns counting to 20.
Students: All standing, pairs Janken, Winner starts at ‘1’. Janken winners
get 2 points for each Janken win (for Australia Points Map).

Activity- Clue Bingo
- 10 minutes
Materials: Clue Bingo print; dice
Blackboard: 1 2 3 4 5 ..... 25
Students: Write numbers 1-25 randomly on print. When called on, tell any
number; all students cross off the numbers to make Bingo!
ALT/HRT: Roll dice to choose students. Cross the numbers off the numbers
written on the blackboard. Congratulate Bingo! winners (with points).

- 2 minutes
(Present common mistakes to the whole class. Write the mistaken point on the
blackboard, and ask if anybody can see the mistake.) Or-
HRT to Students, in Japanese:
-What did we talk about today?
-Were there some words you already knew?
-Did you learn any new words?
-What was fun or interesting?
-What was difficult?
-How can we make that easier next time?

Closing-1 minute
Students: ‘Thank you! Good bye!’
Teachers: ‘You’re welcome! Good bye!’